Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday madness.

Sadly when people say everything must go on black Friday it also seems people throw out morals as well as Christ. It is like everyone forgets what Christmas and Thanksgiving is truly about and it becomes a boxing match after every Thanksgiving to get the last barbie doll. What have we become? the stuff in stores are meaningless and will give you nothing but disappointment in the long run.

Why act like this? when Christmas is about celebrating Jesus birth not the stuff under the tree. That Thanksgivings about giving thanks to the God who has giving you so much and not about the deals you can get at night and the next day. As people kill each other a stomp Walmart greeters to death. I begin to wonder if anyone truly cares what these to holidays truly mean to not only our history but our Lord. Shame on us from turning two holidays that were meant to honor God into a death match for the last furby or what ever is the hot new toy. We dishonor God with our actions and as people hug big TVs for there lives they should be hugging God for there soul will people kill each other for the latest toy we should be worrying about fellow believers losing there life to worship the Lord. We worship stuff in this country and turned our backs on God who is the one who made this country great to begin with. Some maybe drawn into the pretty lights of black Friday but not this man. So join me in staying away from the metal illness of this day and turn to Jesus Christ.

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