Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Washington and the hand of God.

Many have heard of the man George Washington but many do not know or refuse to see the hand of God guided this man's life and if you look at any point in history or anyone that greatly influence the world to make it a better place you will see that the hand of God can be found their as well. As his followers in order to understand he is still in control of everything we must look into history and our own lives to see this to be true.

Now the example I use is George Washington who he himself saw God guiding his every move in life. As he said here. " The cause of our common country calls us both to an active and dangerous duty; Divine Providence, which wisely orders the affairs of men, will enable us to discharge it with fidelity and success" Now if we look at this one man's life we see the hand of God working.

Starting with his military career  during the French and indian War. We find Washington in my home state of Pennsylvania  about two hours away from where I am writing this. At the Battle of Monongahela Washington had a few horses shot from underneath him and tried his best to salvage the battle. Which they ended up losing and had to order a retreat. When they got to s safe place they settled down to camp he started looking at his uniform. He found two bullet holes in his hat a and about ten in his coat but yet not once he was harmed in the battle himself. Many where amazed that their colonel was still alive.

Now at The Battle of Long Island was George Washington's first battle in the Revolutionary War one that almost cost the war itself. At the end of it he was surrendered by all sides and really no way out but he knew that if he did not leave the Revolution would be lost before it ever began so he decided he was going to try to sneak him and most of his troops out in the cover of darkness by the way of the Hudson river. When it came to it their were patrols all along the river but when it came time to move a deep and heavy fog rolled in and covered their escape.

Valley Forge maybe the worst of his military career. His men where staving. People where deserting him left and right and some of his own men's clothing was falling apart some going with out cloths and shoes during a harsh winter. He would go out everyday by himself and pray. He would write letters to the continental congress begging them to supply his troops but they got very little. But even then God was with him and his men. For even living in these conditions they still manged the impossible. Not only did the live and pulled the most daring plan when the crossed the Delaware River and attack their enemy while they where partying. But they came out as a fighting force that won the war.

So when life beats you down. know that God is with you. Your life might not be as dangerous as our first President but he cares for his followers even when you cannot see the light at the end of life's dark tunnel.