Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jewish Roman Wars and the Bible.

Now many had not heard of this war between the Romans and the Jewish people that took place from 66 to 73 CE Years after Christ death. It started all when the Jews just had enough of their unfair treatment of their people so it lead to the City of Jerusalem being surrounded by Romans and they where their for years. Crucifying any Jew that was outside the city wall. hundreds of Jews died before they even broke threw their walls. Then the night they did in the year 70. They just killed anyone that they ran acrossed men women and children. Then burnt the temple to the ground changing Jewish Religion for ever by taking the second temple away from them and there for taking away their sacrifices. This war ended in Masada Where all the Jews killed themselves instead of being slaves to the Romans.

Now the Romans brought all of the treasure in the temple back to Rome. Paraded them around Rome and eventually making a museum based on the treasure they took from them. Now when the Roman Empire died they made an arch in his honor known today as the Arch of Titus. Which this image can be found.

Now what does this have to do with the New Testament in the Bible not a thing. In fact it was not mentioned once. I mean you look at the authors and writers of the New Testament many Jews one a Roman citizen. What does this prove you might be asking it proves that the New Testament was written well before 70 CE and not 100 or 300 years after Christ like many scholars claim they were written. Think about it Jesus said he could destroy the temple and rise it in 3 days why not mention the destruction of the temple then or in revelation or in any of the other works in the Bible. It would make nice proof that Jesus claims who he said he was. Which leads me to one conclusion that this simply had not happen yet. Which proves that all of the New Testament was a lot earlier than many believe.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

chivalry not just for knights.

Chivalry  is an old code that knights everywhere followed as a code of honor and stood by that code to the very end. It was based on Church teaching at the time and directed them to protect the weak and innocent. To attack the enemy with courage and always live in honor. I think it is time to bring ourselves a new code of honor for us Disciples of Christ in a world where where decency and morals are like Chivalry is becoming a distant memory. How we become so blind to our own evil and the evil around us. Women are bretread in songs as objects and not human beings. People care more about money then doing the right thing. More and more people want to murder each other in cold blood over petty disagreements on Religion economic systems and  Government systems. Where people do not want to help other who are in need or demand money that is not theirs. This is the world we live in and here is the code I want to put out for all of the Disciples of Christ to follow even if it is hard or even if it demands you to lose friends over it.

1 never forget who created you and never use his name as a swear for it is disrespectful to the one that loved the idea of someone like you and created you in his image.
Psalm 139:13

2 Never dishonor a woman. Do not treat her as an object and do not bring any harm to a woman and never listen or watch something that says otherwise. Always treat them with respect and as equals.
Ephesians 5:25
Colossians 3:19

3 Always be there for someone in need whether a helping hand or shoulder to cry on.
Galatians 6:2

4 Always have a humble heart. Never think you are better than everyone else because you know that you were saved by Christ. For without that you would be in the same boat as them.
Galatians 6:3-4
Ephesians 2:1-4

5 Never steal others belonging or covet other people's riches or even worry about life itself.
Matthew 6:27-34

6 Always seek wisdom and knowledge.
Proverbs 1:1-7

7 Always protect the weak and be a voice that stands up. Even if it means losing your life in the name of doing what is right. Stand for the rights and freedom for others. Even if you disagree with them.
John 15: 13

8 Love your fellow men and women even your enemies.
John 13:34-35
Matthew 5:44

9 Never beat or bring harm to children.
Mark 9:42

10 Never go to the level of others. Always take the high ground in respectability and honor.
Proverbs 26:4

I challenge all who read this including myself to follow this code. If we all do than maybe this world will be a better place to live.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Well I will get back to my last guy who is better than Che but I would first like to talk about giving. I believe and personally feel giving is the one thing we should do as Christians besides our number one job which is bring the good news to unbelievers everywhere Many need help but wish they did not.  government promises to help these or people who take advantage of charity that ruin everything for everyone truly in need but I tell you none of that should be an excuse not to help others. Many fall under the government cracks to help and not all are just trying to take money from others in scams. We need to be and are called to be Christ ambassadors to the world and one of your duties if you can is to give. If God blessed you with so much than you should show thanks and give to others.

Deuteronomy 16:17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.

I will tell you a personal story about giving. My cousin died two months ago. We were all hit hard by it. His wife could not pay for the funeral they were poor and did not even own that much to even sell enough to pay for it so they started a Go fund me page. I started posting it everywhere I went to in the hopes we could at least pay for all of this and out of the blue someone paid it in full. Even now thinking about a kindness of one man who saw my family in need and just gave us 5000 out of generosity.  Even now I am binged to tears at reliving this memory. This man made such a profound difference in our lives I wish I knew who did so. My point in all of this is that if we gave more we would be a better world for it.

Now I must admit the reason why I write this because I have a friend who is in need.  Frances never asked to be here. She was just trying to save another's life which cost her life dearly. She has been in bed rest for years now as the government fails her and even people who call themselves Christians turn a blind eye to her needs. Even with all that she reminds faithful to God and his promise that the Lord will provide. She to has started a Go fund me page because with all the bills and the medical cost has piled up and she cannot work for a living. She is truly in need but people attack her as someone who is lazy when they do not know a thing about her. I want to ask this of you my readers if you can give and change this young woman's life a little. A woman that puts others before herself and had even to offer to give to my cousin's funeral when she herself did not have much money.  She has been there for me when others did not know what to say. I think if anyone deserves help it is her. Here is her story and I will let her tell it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Heroes of 9/11

I thought I should tell my story of this day first. While I am was not there during this happening. While I was not there when flight 93 crashed in a field in a field in Pennsylvania. No I was just a kid in Middle School and that day started like any other day. When I notice something was wrong teachers where going out in the hall discussing something. We where sitting their wondering why did the look so worried. Then our English teacher came in and stop the class and turned the news on and we saw one of the twin towers on fire. I could not comprehend this was a terrorist attack. I thought at the time this must be some sort of freak plane crash. Then we saw the second one hit and my heart sank. I was still in denial because I could not figure out why would any one do this on propose. Then I seen black objects falling out the windows and then in horror I realize they where people who where jumping to their deaths to get away from the smoke and fire. After a few minutes of that we all watched as one fell down throwing dust into the air.                                                                                                     

This day should be remember not for the terrorist but for the courage of the people who went into those buildings to help. We should remember the courage and strength of those who went in to try to save people after they came down.  We should remember those who gave their lives on flight 93 to save a bunch of strangers from the same fate as the people in the Twin Towers  and gave their lives so others could live. As Jesus said once their is no greater love than to give your life to protect others and for those who went to Afghanistan to hunt for the people who were responsible for this cowardly act. So tomorrow remember what this day is about. It is not just about the terrorist attack but the heroes of 9/11. May God give the victims and the families peace.                                                                             


Sunday, September 7, 2014

The founders.

I have already mention George Washington who was the most trust founder in the whole group but here are a two that you might of never heard of.
James Smith who lead a group of militia against the British before the Revolutionary war After British arm dealers lead by the governor of Philadelphia started selling to the Native Americans even after the crown said it was against the law. Smith lived where Native American raids would attack the rural towns of Pennsylvania. He saw the British doing this behind their backs and arming the people who where attacking them so he an 20 others lead a campaign against the British arm caravans. Called themselves the black boys because they would paint their faces with Native American war paint. Later him and 8 others would single handedly captured fort Bedford to get nine rifles back that the British took from them.  He after that would later join the The  Revolutionary War and become one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Also was the one that came up with the idea of the second Amendment.

Benjamin Tallmadge Known for his work as a spymaster for George Washington. He was the leader of the the Culper Spy Ring which many of it's spies worked in Occupied New York. While the working this spy ring with a lot of brave people in the front they would report troop movements and other things they thought would be useful for Washington. Their most notable victory is the discovery of Benedict Arnold betrayal to the cause of freedom. He and these six spies saved the Revolution from ending in their deaths and most of his spies have keep it a secret to their deaths not wanting to be outed or to be worshiped as heroes they just saw a need and did it knowing full well if they got caught spying they would be hanged.