Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Heroes of 9/11

I thought I should tell my story of this day first. While I am was not there during this happening. While I was not there when flight 93 crashed in a field in a field in Pennsylvania. No I was just a kid in Middle School and that day started like any other day. When I notice something was wrong teachers where going out in the hall discussing something. We where sitting their wondering why did the look so worried. Then our English teacher came in and stop the class and turned the news on and we saw one of the twin towers on fire. I could not comprehend this was a terrorist attack. I thought at the time this must be some sort of freak plane crash. Then we saw the second one hit and my heart sank. I was still in denial because I could not figure out why would any one do this on propose. Then I seen black objects falling out the windows and then in horror I realize they where people who where jumping to their deaths to get away from the smoke and fire. After a few minutes of that we all watched as one fell down throwing dust into the air.                                                                                                     

This day should be remember not for the terrorist but for the courage of the people who went into those buildings to help. We should remember the courage and strength of those who went in to try to save people after they came down.  We should remember those who gave their lives on flight 93 to save a bunch of strangers from the same fate as the people in the Twin Towers  and gave their lives so others could live. As Jesus said once their is no greater love than to give your life to protect others and for those who went to Afghanistan to hunt for the people who were responsible for this cowardly act. So tomorrow remember what this day is about. It is not just about the terrorist attack but the heroes of 9/11. May God give the victims and the families peace.                                                                             


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