Monday, April 14, 2014

Warriors of Peace.

There has been a lot of talk about Revolution in the past few weeks. All set off by this Nevada Cattle Rancher stand off. I did not want to make this site about politics but I see an danger in this for bloodshed. Jesus calls us to be Warriors not of Revolution but of peace which is a Revolution in a broken world that we happen to live in. Violence is never the answer to these things. In fact we should be asking ourselves what would our Lord do if he were in our shoes the answer is in the Bible.

Jesus faced a similar problem in his time. With a corrupt government after him for preaching the truth and knowing it would end in his death did he once ever said to take up arms and overthrow the government. No he never did and be glad of that because if he did than none of us would be going to Heaven. In Luke 22:36-37 Jesus started talking about buying swords and preparing for a fight but he was not talking about a physical battle in fact he gets upset with his followers when they said they had two swords. Luke 22:38 He was not talking about a actual sword but the sword Paul talks about in Ephesians 6:17 He is talking about the word of God his word. Not weapons of a physical war but the spiritual war of the heart mind and Spirit.  Even when he was taken away by a corrupt government he still did not fight and even got angry at his Disciples for putting up a fight with his enemy. Luke 22:47-53.

We need not worry about what our enemies are doing for Christ will provide us a way out or take us to Heaven because we are important to him so be a Warrior of truth and peace not a Warrior of wrath. Mathew 6:25-34
(Do not confuse this with anti military talk for I support our brave men and women defending our freedom)


  1. Jesus was probably arrested for raising Lazarus from the dead. He was very popular and the powers thought he would overthrow the government and declare himself ruler. The people wanted that to happen. When Jesus didn't throw out the Romans, the people abandoned Him. The only ones that Jesus openly rebelled against her the high priests who were poisoning the Word of God.

    the obama regime has been going after any political opponents who they think might become more popular. this regime acts as those in Jesus time who wanted Him killed rather than risk His message being accepted by the people.

  2. To be honest it is not just Obama. In fact their has been corruption like this going on since the 1900s. It just gets worse every year. The only one that took the trend back some was Reagan but he was fighting the other branches to do so.

  3. He has risen he has risen JESUS CHRIST the Lord has risen !!
    May you all have a glorious EASTER !!
    Blessed are the meek !
