Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tower of Babel One Race Human

There are a lot of racist groups out there whether the KKK or the Black Panthers. Claiming that their race is better. That the other races are not clean but what does God say about race? He teaches that all races whether Jew Black white Native American Asian or Arabs all descendants of Adam and Eve meaning one race of humans called the Human Race. Genesis 1.

I know that their are many skin colors many different people nowadays. What happen the building of the Tower of Babel happen. Genesis 11:1-9 God scardered man after man thought they could reach Heaven themselves. God took them all over the earth and over the years different genetics and I am sure with God's help we see the many different people of the day. The world view is that we are different and their for we should not mix when it is the opposite of the Lords view. He just suppurated us because we where getting way to high on our own ego and their for needed to be teached a lesson also we were not following the commands that was handed down to Moses multiplying and spreading threw the Earth.

 Now these two groups would have you believe that we have nothing in common with our fellow man. When in fact their is very little difference (note do not believe in Darwinian Evolution). Jesus wants his followers to believe that with all the heart soul and mind or you are just following a false god and not the father as Paul put it so well. Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

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