Sunday, August 10, 2014

The cult of Che Guevara

Many wears this guy on their tee shirt or think this guy is a hero representing the fight against the man but it is farthest from the truth. The reality he was a mass murdering racist and this article is to tell the story of Che Guevara and why we must tell the world about who this man really is and break people from his way of thinking.

First off the first time I seen a Che shirt in Church on a young man so these two quotes are for Christians who think this guy is a man of God.

“In fact, if Christ himself stood in my way, I, like Nietzsche, would not 

hesitate to squish him like a worm.”

“I am not Christ or a philanthropist, old lady, I am all 

the contrary of a Christ … I fight for the things I believe in, with all the 

weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other man dead so that I don’t 

get nailed to a cross or any other place.”

If this guy was a Christian why would he say this about Christ?

Matthew 10 32 33 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."
It is clear Jesus does not see him as his follower.

Now for his racist remarks.

"The ***** is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."

"We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing."
“The blacks, those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing, have seen their territory invaded by a new kind of slave: the Portuguese.” 

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.” 

“Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians”

Now why should this guy be revered in this country then. He views blacks Indians and even Jews as sub human.  Why would anyone want to support this guy and where his shirt. What this guy says and believes is affront to everything this country stands for and God but yet you still wear his shirt?  Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

His thoughts on government and war.

 “Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier in an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary.”
 “To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary … These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail. This is a revolution!”.
 “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate. We must create the pedagogy of the The Wall!” 
“Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!”
“If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot.”
“What we affirm is that we must proceed along the path of liberation even if this costs millions of atomic victims.”
 “Let me say, at the risk of seeming ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.”
“It’s a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies.”
Matthew 5:9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
Does this sound like a man of peace and freedom? Does this sound like a guy you should be idolizing on a tee shirt or for that matter follow in his foot steps? This man is responsible for the deaths of 14,000 people innocent men women and children their only crimes being rich being from a different political view and most just wanted to leave and start a new life in America. Is this the guy you want represented on your tee shirt? I hope many read this and see the monster behind the shirt is. For the mass murder and racist he was and why this man should not be worship in any form. 
This is the man I want on my shirt. Jesus Christ the one that died for me.

And for the next six articles I will point out not only why he should be on your shirt but why five other true revolutionaries should be their as well. So in the mean time I will leave you with this song to reflect on the evils of Che Guevara.  Matthew 15:18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.

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