I been listening to this band for a year and I have to say there brand of Christian music really does get you to think. Like this song for instance and this is what it gets me to think. We put our hopes in so many things that end up failing or to be lies like false prophets and there predictions. Even sometimes we just do not have hope at all. We drown in our own hopelessness. We point fingers at others for our pain or even God himself.
But the good news is that Jesus Christ died for us. Not only to save us from our sinful nature but to help us. Not only to bring us into his circle but to heal us of our pain we carry with us everyday. the loneliness we feel, The loss, guilt of past mistakes, and even our sin. He died and rise to carry it all for us. It chains us down. Keeps us as Satan slave. While our past has concurrences. While our actions might of hurt others. I believe Jesus will help us mend the wrong we did to others or to ourselves. But none of this cannot happen if you do not reach out to him who took our punishment for our crimes.
No other God is like Jesus Christ for he knows what it is like to be like us. He has lost love ones. He has been rejected by everyone included his family and friends and died for what he believed in with no one beside him. He understands pain. He understands loss. Why not trust him who can to earth to live like one of us and took our punishment in our place. We stand on charges of high treason against God and he has our pardon. All we have to do is ask for forgiveness and to follow him. Yes it maybe a high price to pay for some. You maybe rejected by a few of your friends or mocked but that is nothing if you do not take the ticket out of Hades. So join me if you will. Stand with Christ and me who he forgave for being an enemy of his. For speaking out against him and even mocking others for believe in him as an atheist. If he could forgive me and Saint Paul who hunted down his followers and killed them than he can forgive you.
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