Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jewish Roman Wars and the Bible.

Now many had not heard of this war between the Romans and the Jewish people that took place from 66 to 73 CE Years after Christ death. It started all when the Jews just had enough of their unfair treatment of their people so it lead to the City of Jerusalem being surrounded by Romans and they where their for years. Crucifying any Jew that was outside the city wall. hundreds of Jews died before they even broke threw their walls. Then the night they did in the year 70. They just killed anyone that they ran acrossed men women and children. Then burnt the temple to the ground changing Jewish Religion for ever by taking the second temple away from them and there for taking away their sacrifices. This war ended in Masada Where all the Jews killed themselves instead of being slaves to the Romans.

Now the Romans brought all of the treasure in the temple back to Rome. Paraded them around Rome and eventually making a museum based on the treasure they took from them. Now when the Roman Empire died they made an arch in his honor known today as the Arch of Titus. Which this image can be found.

Now what does this have to do with the New Testament in the Bible not a thing. In fact it was not mentioned once. I mean you look at the authors and writers of the New Testament many Jews one a Roman citizen. What does this prove you might be asking it proves that the New Testament was written well before 70 CE and not 100 or 300 years after Christ like many scholars claim they were written. Think about it Jesus said he could destroy the temple and rise it in 3 days why not mention the destruction of the temple then or in revelation or in any of the other works in the Bible. It would make nice proof that Jesus claims who he said he was. Which leads me to one conclusion that this simply had not happen yet. Which proves that all of the New Testament was a lot earlier than many believe.

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