Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Today I am just focusing on this one passage for it means more than people think it does. What he is calling his followers to do is to be leaders in our communities. Not in only areas of leadership which some of us are not build for but also in our actions. We are not only meant to preach the word of God but also show how to live. Not only are we to live breed and feel the word of God but to reach out to people who everyone else given up on and who many turned a blind eye on. Tho we are not called to to make excuses for sin but to tell someone that sin is sin in a loving caring matter for if we do not act like Jesus in all of our interactions with people than we are no better than the teachers of the law or our enemies for that matter. We are called to be misfits of the world and to bring others to our side.
We need to be leaders not followers of the world. While the false teachers and the prophets of Cheap Grace command us to to be like lemmings to follow them off the cliff Jesus calls us to be the ones out their with the micro phones screaming come away from the cliff their is a better way. Follow our king for the the truth and life. Jesus never promised and easy life no we get the oppose promised to us instead because to be a misfit leader against the world makes you the enemy of the priest of the world and sometimes that leads to death for our fellow brother or sisters sometimes worse than death. This call to become fisher's of men is the most dangerous call to have been placed on us but the most important.
We will win if we fight for the Kingdom of God and never forget no matter what happens we win in the end. They can break our bones, toss us into prison, they can kill our families or sell us into slavery no matter what they do to us in the end stay strong in the Lord.
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