Monday, May 26, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Fisher's of Men a Call to Leadership.
Matthew 4:19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Today I am just focusing on this one passage for it means more than people think it does. What he is calling his followers to do is to be leaders in our communities. Not in only areas of leadership which some of us are not build for but also in our actions. We are not only meant to preach the word of God but also show how to live. Not only are we to live breed and feel the word of God but to reach out to people who everyone else given up on and who many turned a blind eye on. Tho we are not called to to make excuses for sin but to tell someone that sin is sin in a loving caring matter for if we do not act like Jesus in all of our interactions with people than we are no better than the teachers of the law or our enemies for that matter. We are called to be misfits of the world and to bring others to our side.
We need to be leaders not followers of the world. While the false teachers and the prophets of Cheap Grace command us to to be like lemmings to follow them off the cliff Jesus calls us to be the ones out their with the micro phones screaming come away from the cliff their is a better way. Follow our king for the the truth and life. Jesus never promised and easy life no we get the oppose promised to us instead because to be a misfit leader against the world makes you the enemy of the priest of the world and sometimes that leads to death for our fellow brother or sisters sometimes worse than death. This call to become fisher's of men is the most dangerous call to have been placed on us but the most important.
We will win if we fight for the Kingdom of God and never forget no matter what happens we win in the end. They can break our bones, toss us into prison, they can kill our families or sell us into slavery no matter what they do to us in the end stay strong in the Lord.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Every day should be the Sabbath
Now their are some people how practice the Sabbath on Saturday and some on Sunday but most do not understand why God started the Sabbath to begin with and why we should treat everyday as the Sabbath. The first time this day was mention is in Exodus 20:8-11. See the reason for the Sabbath is not to take a day off but to spend time with the Lord. Many have forgotten this key part. It was not made for rest alone. I believe God told us to rest on the Sabbath because we humans get distracted by work and he knows our hearts to well. Jesus himself worked miracles on the Sabbath much to the disliking to the teachers of the law. Why would God's son break his own law? It is simply more than a day off.
See God wants us to seek him out at least once a week. Just to spend time studying and learning about his word and talking to him through out the day. That is the true meaning behind the day. I think why should that just be on one day a week why not seek him out everyday. Most people think they show up to Church on Sunday and can get away with everything just because they put their time in on the Sabbath. This has breed in action in the body of Christ and put wolves in with sheep.When Jesus said pick up the cross and follow him it was meant for everyday. Matthew 16:24 That is why we must put away this idea that the Sabbath is just about rest and realize the true purpose to rest in the Lord's presence and do so everyday making everyday the Sabbath.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Jesus Over Party.
Many times in politics you hear Jesus would side with this side or that. People claim he would be a democrat socialist, Marxist, Republican, Libertarian or what ever is out their but all are wrong. For Jesus did not come to take sides. No he goal is to take over the earth and be king. He would not side with any of these groups because they can be so far from the truth at time some more than others. Truth is that no party can be for God because most political parties are for themselves rather than the people who gave them that power. For they are men and women who have been corrupted by power. Jesus the prefect king is not. He could run any system perfectly even failed ideas like Marxism. He will do as he says and says what he means. He is fair and cares for the poor but does not let them remain helpless. Their will be no war starvation and even death when he comes back to rule for good. So I ask why put our hopes that men and women with evil in their hearts are the answers to our problems when we follow the true king? We replaced government with God and all sides do this.
When it comes to politics for some people the teachings of Jesus take a back seat as we push for our agenda's. Now he would not be for Abortion but you talk to any liberal Christian they rewrite the his words to mean something else so they can remand blind. Than you got my side of the aisle. People who should know better but we do the same thing as mentioned before in a later article my side calls for blood of our enemies when they surround a farm. That is not what Jesus teaches and both ideas are wrong. When men and women failed Jesus will not. Stop chasing the golden calf of party politics and start finding the God fearing leaders in every party not the people who where the word Christian as a hood but the people who live it. You will know them by their fruits but always remember follow Jesus instead of party for he is the only king.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Join the Revolution
This is the symbol of the the Revolution I am apart of. It has been going on for thousands of years and every time our enemies surround us our commander and Chief Jesus is their to save the movement. With the world putting the earth first while prising abortion as a choice to live free of responsibility. Even one making a video in the hopes of more people doing so.. Than you got some guy kidnaping poor innocent girls in Nigeria and claiming his god is telling him to sell them as sex slaves.
This has gone on for long enough. We wasted our lives myself included thinking others will fix this world. That we should just sit back and let the world burn. While the end is coming and there's nothing we can do to stop it. We need to stand up as followers of Christ to the evils in this world. The world will try to stop our message the world will hate us and even people we used to see as friends will turn on us. Jesus warns us in John 15: 18-25 but none of that matters. What matters is many of us have been asleep on the job the one job he gave us to make followers of all nations and this is the result of our inaction. Death being praised people being hurt by a mad man. Join the Revolution in Christ and our jonny maybe ruff many of us will be persecuted but we need to do our jobs in order to bring sanity to the world. So join me in the peaceful Revolution in Christ if you have the courage to stand for what is right.
(note this is a open letter to follows of Jesus)
Friday, May 2, 2014
Dangers of False Prophets.
So many False prophets out there today or to many people declaring other people as messiah. Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam comes to mind and their are others like Scientology both different types of false teachings made by False prophets. Jesus warns us from following these types of groups. Matthew 7:15-23 not only does he warn us not to follow these false teachings and teachers but warns of what will happen when you do so. They come in two types. One is runed by people who believe in their own teachings like Nation of Islam and Scientology that makes money off the lost.
Both use fear and promise of a better life if you just follow their teachings. You will have powers over your life or your race will be on top and if you fall away they try to keep you in anyway they can. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:24 that they would claim to do miracles. That they can make everything alright when in reality it is false hope and false promises based in lies. Jesus is the only way to salvation and anyone that says no it is works or no it is God wants us to live in sin then they are an agent of cheap grace. Grace without cost because it is Grace without Jesus and the cross. It maybe easier to think the law can save or everyone is saved but it cost nothing and their for worthless to save one's soul. Cults live in these places on extreme or the other.
There's are a few ways to know if you are looking at a a False Prophet. Do they preach hate for a race or a group of people? Do they say giving them money is the only way to salvation? Do they claim to have all the answers? Do the feed off of fear and insecurity of others? All cults run like this and they deny Jesus and his teachings and most of the time run counter to the Bible. 1 john 4:1-6 know God to ultimately know what is right and wrong. To find out who is a prophet or who is not.
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