Monday, October 17, 2016

The great divide

So many divide us instead of unit us now a days. From elections to police and the community and even a our troops and people. I remember a day when while yes most had there strong beliefs and disagreed based on their world views it was never this bad so my next few works will be to write about these divides and preach about uniting us all. For Jesus was right when he said a house divided against itself it cannot stand and yes the same goes for nations as well.

First thing I am going to take on is politics. I am not going to make it a secret I am a Republican been one for a while and for the reason that I love the starts of the party and more like the early ideas of the  party than what it is now. That being said both parties have lost their souls somewhere between when I started voting and now. They used to see each other as human beings now all the parties in this country see each other as the enemy. When I look at a democrat I don't see an enemy just someone with different views than me. I have friends on both sides and as long as you treat me with respect. I will treat you with the same. We forgotten who we are. we used to be able to come together at a moments notice like the day after 9/11 but now the parties cant even agree on a budget.    

The divide became real to me when a long time friend of knew him since high school just blocked me and refused to speak to me since I did not support Sanders. I never had a problem with his views even tho I did disagree with him. Never brought him down for it but as the election went on you could tell his hate for anyone who disagreed with him grew. To the point were he called me a rich 1%er who did not care for the poor. And you can see this type of hate growing on both sides. another rift happened in my own family between my aunt and uncle. My aunt Trump supporter an my uncle hates every party and takes points from both sides of the isle but cant see other opinions. They ended up offending each other and blocking each other on Facebook. Then took this fight to our family get together and both refused to show up. I did not go myself because I was out of town but when I heard this happened I wanted to cry for we are such a close family and it is stupid to rip each other apart over politics.

God is punishing us for this all you have to do is look at this election. I never saw two of the most corrupt scandal filled most hated people in this country becoming our picks this year. These two where picked because both parties just want to rip into each other. Why I been staying out of this race. I refuse to be apart of the problem. because no matter who gets in we all lose. We put our faith in man and woman but lost site of God with all of this fighting. In the end none of this is going to matter because one day Jesus is coming to rule and do so perfectly. While no matter who wins we are going to lose freedom but their is one who will give it back to us, He is not a Republican Democrat or even Libertarian but God in the flesh. The one who died for all of us despite political beliefs all we have to do is pick up our cross and follow him. so I refuse to follow Trump or Hillary because Christ is the only way and the only one I will call leader. Never forget these words for our enemy is not human.

Ephesians 6:12

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.