Monday, March 9, 2015

Creep Alert

Now I know I was going to talk about racist cults but something has come to my attention that I feel all my readers need to know. This man that goes by the name burak kaan tried to get a close friend of mine to take nude photos of herself and even tried to get her to sleep with him. My friend happens to be 17 and it looks like this man maybe in his late 20s. If he tries to friend you or tries to talk to you block him and if he tries to do as he did with my friend screen save it and report him to google plus. Now my next article will be as planned about racist cults but I figured to put the warning out there to my readers.

Friday, March 6, 2015

racists cults Nazis

There has been a lot of racism flying around and these racist cults have been popping up through out history. So I think the next 4 will be about the most prominent ones that are growing like wild fire in today world. The first in this groups I want to go after is the Nazis or the National Socialist Workers Party as they called themselves.

Now first thing is first many people make the claim that this movement was a Christian far right movement. Which is untrue. They where Socialist and many in there ranks today call themselves as such. Specially the European movement and a few in in the United States. While there are a few who call libertarians (which I believe no real libertarian would think this way) that think Hitler was one of them.It is the same people who claim to be libertarian but hate the Jews blacks and anyone else who speaks out against them. And there are a few Christians that fallen into this racist cult of Nazism.

This cult has nothing to do with Christianity Even Hitler said himself

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance.”

Now if this was the case if Hitler was a Christian would he say these things? Would he hire people to work for him who worshiped the gods of Germany the gods of the Vikings? Would he try to kill off the Jews God chosen people? Like it or not Jews are tactically Christian fore fathers and anyone who follows Nazis and Hitler follows the old Germanic gods and Hitler as a god not Jesus. Follow the twisted cross like The German Christian movement and you will be lead around by the nose by Satan strait to hell and not Heaven. You worship Hitler not Christ and his cross. You follow a lie which lead 6 million Jews to there deaths and lead a country into ruin. And anyone who follows Nazism is on the path of death not life. Of man worship not God worship. 

"If [the leader] understands his function in any other way than as it is rooted in fact, if he does not continually tell his followers quite clearly of the limited nature of his lack and of their own responsibility, if he allows himself to surrender to the wishes of his followers, who would always make him their idol – then the image of the leader will pass over into the image of the misleader, and he will be acting in a criminal way not only towards those he leads, but also towards himself, the true leader must always be able to disillusion. It is just this that is his responsibility and his real object. He must lead his following away from the authority of his person to the recognition of the real authority of orders and offices….He must radically refuse to become the appeal, the idol, i.e. the ultimate authority of those whom he leads…The fearful danger of the present time … is that … we forget that man stands alone before the ultimate authority and that anyone who lays violent hands on man here is infringing eternal laws and taking upon himself superhuman authority which will eventually crush him; the eternal law that the individual stands alone before God takes fearful vengeance where it is attacked and distorted, thus the leader points to the office but Leader and office together point to that final authority itself, before which Reich or state are but penultimate authorities. Leaders or offices which set themselves up as gods mock God"  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Now why do people believe