Friday, September 11, 2015


I look back on this day and remember when our teacher turned on the tv and we watch one of the towers smoking then the other tower get hit. We could make out people jumping to there deaths on our little screen and all of us where scared angry and all wonder why. Why did so many have to die at their jobs. Whether it was the stock broker or the business man. Whether it was the firefighter or cop who was just answering the call to save fellow Americans. A good friend of mine lost his wife on that day and never remarried. Many lost there loved ones there family friends and husbands and wives. All because crazy people thought it was God's calling to murder thousands of people for their cause of power hungry greed but many forget how we where the day after.

    We where not just Republican Democrat black or white gay strait man woman Jew Christian or Muslim. The day after we where We the people. Back then what I was seeing was unity love and a sense of duty to the founding principles of this nation that many people from many backgrounds could stand as one. We could be brothers and sisters united in our love of our nation. Now look at us 14 years from then. Have we forgotten what it means to share this country? Have we forgotten the love? I see neighbor going after neighbor over things that truly mean nothing.  We seen the unity now we see division and political points. When we seen love for one another now we see racist pop up in every race trying to wipe the other races out or make them pay. Have we forgotten who we are in 14 years?   Is it going to take another thousand deaths in this country for us to be whole again? I pray not in fact I think we can push past the division and become united again all we have to do is dropped the egos and let love rule in our hearts again. And flush out the darkness and evil out of our hearts at the same time.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Racist Cults the KKK

                 Well since everything that has happened in the past week. I figured I  would go after these clowns. They claim to be Christian but far from it. In fact they reject Christ every time the light a cross on fire or put a hood on or every time the light a cross on fire and the sad thing is none of them understand they are being lied to. The very fact they hide behind hoods proves they are not of Christ for Jesus himself said in John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. They hide their faces for they know the do wrong. They know that their creed is nothing but lies. Now for their cross burning rite. 

      They claim that this is suppose to represent Christ light in the world but in reality they are rejecting cross of salvation. Think about it do you burn the thing you respect? Do you soak it in gasoline light it on fire in the sign of love of that thing? No when you burn something you show you reject that object that you burn. That means every time a KKK member lights a cross they reject the cross and Jesus Christ salvation. 

        Then there is the murder rape and beatings of other races. Where does Jesus say only white people have right? Where did Jesus say make slaves of all Nations? Where does Christ say hate of other races is okay? Where does he say beat your enemies for being a different religion creed or race? You point out the fact Jesus is a Arab Jew born and raised in the middle east. So looking at that if Jesus came to earth these so called followers of his in the KKK would most likely kill him by hanging him in a tree for the world to see because he is an Arab Jew by birth. Paul even said it here that such racism is evil and points to the fact we all in the body of Christ come from different races and nationalities. 

Galatians 3:28

28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Do you want to see what a real body of Christ looks like? Watch the video and ask yourselves which is the true follower of Jesus Christ. The people who reject the cross other people because of skin color or this where people of all races come together to help a church deal with grief of losing there pastor and eight others because a racist punk decided to shoot people in the head because they where black.

Ladies ans Gentlemen the true movement of Jesus Christ in this video. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Story

 I wanted to tell my story about my journey to Jesus and why I came to him and at the end of this I am going to invite my readers to tell there stories as well. You can request to keep your name a secret. Why I am doing this is to show that there are millions of people who left there old life to come to the Lord and sometimes it is the normal guy you see in church or working that has a great story behind there lives.

           Well I guess where I start is were I lost my faith. When I was fourteen I was just hanging out in the backyard with my friend messing with a telescope that I got for my birthday. I live in a rural area farmland. We saw this dust kick up in a neighbor's field a lot of dust. My friend turned his telescope over to see an four door jeep on it's roof. We ran into the house told my father than ran for it a crossed the field as fast as we could run. We get there hard rock was blasting out of the jeep and about ten feet there is this guy laying there in the dirt. We did not know it at the time but he was already dead. We tried to get our neighbor's close by but nothing when we can back my other  neighbor who used to be a medic in the army. He checked his pulse and he told us to back away. Later to find out from my mother told me that he was getting married to one of her coworkers and he was running late to the wedding rehearsal. This is when I became an atheist. I wonder if God did nothing to save this guy then he must not be real.

          School was bad for me. There was never a day where I did not get bullied and dealing with the guilt of not saving the man. I lost my way got into things I should not have. Chased away everyone who cared for me. By the time I graduated I only had one friend for some reason stood by me. He offered me a job in Maryland at his father's shop. Fixing up cars and selling them. I get there we got placed in a trailer next to the shop. No power to the place or even running water then to find out I was not getting paid and no way to get home for two months I fell into a real dark place. Until one night I wanted to take my own life. I was sitting in the dark crying my eyes out. For some reason I cried out to God. just screaming God help me. A light washed over me and looked up to see this figure in the doorway. dressed in a rob with a hood. I went from great sadness to terror as I looked at this being. It moved into the room. It did not walk but floated in. came right up to the side of my bed. then the light shut off and felt a wave a peace fall over me. No longer did I feel sad. No longer did I stand there in confusion. I knew what needed to be done.

     Few months later I moved back to Pennsylvania. Where a neighbor much younger than me called me up and asked if I wanted to go to church so I did because I was looking for answers at that point later that day I started following Christ and a few months I got baptized. I only told a select few people about this but I wanted to share with the world so that people who may had a life like mine or worse knows God is there to help. I do not care if anyone believes me I know what I saw and know how I feel. And I do not regret these things happen to me for I would not be the guy I am today if it was not for those years.

       Now for the invitation. I invite anyone reading this to tell there story and like I said before you do not even have to use your real name. Just email us here at and tell us your story and we will post it on here as is.

Creep Alert

I swore I would never do this again but it seems like another creep is messing with both my friends. His name is Voideuss Yates and is to be avoided at all cost. He talked violating them and when the asked for him to stop he doubled down on it so please report and block this guy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How to stop the rise of Shay Cormacs

I know I am making a slight detour from my racist cults writings and what I was also going to write today but I believe this needs to be addressed in all churches and it needs done now. I chose the crater Shay Cormac off of Assassin's Creed Rogue to make this point because like most people leaving the church he has a lot in common with them. We lost our way and chasing people off in droves. Why not because our message is broken or outdated. It is because of the people who live in the church who spread rumors treat people in need like worthless dogs and dare not reach to help anyone other themselves. These type of people threw all Jesus' teachings out the window and replaced it with drama and pure hate. Most atheist do not start out as atheist they start out as Christian and when many see the hypocritical nonsense and the fake war paint of these so called followers of Christ they go Shay and turn on us and for good reason. Shay turned his back on the Assassin's because his order was involuntary murdering innocent people with devises they did not understand and the leadership refused to listen. We the people in the church are stabbing people in the back and killing people's souls for what to feel you are better than the next guy? To be apart of a click? I am sorry to burst this way of thinking but the whole idea of Christ dying on the cross was not just so people could think they are better than everyone else and to be judge to those who do not know the truth or in some cases completely innocent of the charges. Grow up people you who judge are in the same boat as you. Most of the time you are stabbing other followers of Christ in the back for no reason and if they are actually need to be corrected then go to them in secret and help them do not go shouting it on the roof tops trying to make yourself look good. People fail people fall. I even did some falling myself for the past few months but good followers of Christ came and helped me. The pulled me out of the darkness. We should not see each other as enemies but as family. We should love each other as a family and not act like we are in prison and be in our little clicks. We love one another as Christ loved us then we can even true the Shay's of the world back to the light or are we going to make the same choice as the Assassin's and have our church be ripped into two by people who used to be our brothers and sisters and if you go to one of these churches that do this sort of nonsense then leave it and let it die on its own find one that has more good apples than those who judge. Those who throw people out of church for no reason. Throw out those who are in need. We also need to talk to these people who do these sort of things and ask them strait up would Christ be okay with you spreading rumors that hurt and judging those in need or in hard times? That is a challenge to all my readers to ask this. To question these people so they know they wrong others.                

James 3:2–12 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Racist cults Nation of Islam The UFO cult.

Well sorry everyone for not getting to this sooner like I promised but I been getting real tried after work and everything and it is hard not to go strait to bed most of the time. Now this subject is going to hit two birds with one stone. I will be going after the racist cult Nation of Islam and their leader Louis Farrakhan and his followers and also I will go after UFO cults as well just with one subject because all UFO cults are very similar. 

 Anyways Louis Farrakhan has been running on this racist cult loosely based on Islam. Nation of Islam is like the KKK for blacks. I say loosely because most Muslims find his brand of Islam as blasphemy which it is all you have to do is read there text. Seeing how there is no mention of aliens or them coming to kill white people around the world in the Koran. They are more like the friendlier ISIS of America with a UFO fixation and fully loaded with racist hate to white people.

Where he get his theology is not from the teachings of Islam but the teachings of the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Which I will cover later in this series because ironically this theory has racism in it torts black people.And he uses the Koran the Bible and Jewish stories of the Old Testament to push his views. That one day aliens are going to come and kill off the white race and Jews. He believes that all white people are evil and hate the black race. Which is what he talks here.

And here

Now we come to the really crazy part as if anything above was not already. He claims the wheel that is mentioned in Ezekiel 1 is a UFO and he actually met these aliens. These Aliens told him that they where coming one day and they will wipe out the white race and let the black race rule the earth. Which he talks about some here.

Now for the broken down truth this wheel was not a UFO it was God's throne and the creatures surrounding it was also mentioned in Revelations 4 and the throne was mentioned again with these same creatures running around it. But sadly to many people believe in Louis Farrakhan's false claims. I personally talked to many of his followers and all they have in there heart is hate for the white race am a strange devotion to a man making millions on lies or he truly does believe his UFO gods and we are all in trouble if his claims never come true because we will see a mass suicide or a mass murder spree which this world has never seen before. That is why I try to talk to these people make them realize that this false prophet does not speak for God. He cares more about his followers money which he is worth millions that that he took from his poor followers. I encourage everyone to share this so that your friends might know this guy is not who he claims he is.

Matthew 7 15 

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

1 John 4: 1-13
 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
12 No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

Now instead of watching the skies for UFOs watch for God instead.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Impossible love

Impossible love  

By brianna harin

You hold my heart something I thought to be impossible. Now you hold my love, and a everlasting love.

True love is meant to be like this? Then I want to spend forever like this. You gave me something beautiful I will never forget. 
Our fates now intertwine. The roads crossing each others lines.

It went forever believe this a lost love far apart. Soon it shall be forever found. Until that day, until you see my face look up at the skies and know our love is forever intertwined something that will never ever be broken.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

dont give in

As the day drags on, the sky turns gray.
It feels like the whole world wants to take you out, and it seems theres just no way-
This war keeps ragging on around you, and with the sinking sun goes the last of your strength. 
The hope you held onto slowly slips away. 
But, as the silence falls to the approaching night. 
A quiet whisper could be heard-
What it says pulls on the strings of your heart.

“hold on, hold on it’s not your time to say goodbye.
(hold on, hold on) because its not the end, its not your time to die yet.
(hold on, hold on) and stay alive, know this is not how it ends.

Pushing back with all you have left, yet it seems it’s not enough.
You fall to the ground, Shoved back down everytime you try to get  backup. 
Captured by your own fears, You wonder if you can escape.
But, this pain just won't relent; This fights left scars you know may never heal. 
You lay there wondering “How can i make it out alive?”
“I dont think i will make it back out this time” 
Something tugs at the edge of your mind, something that lends you strength.

“hold on, hold on Its not your time to say goodbye.
(hold on, hold on) because its not the end, its not your time to die yet
(hold on, hold on) and stay alive, know this is not how it ends.

Listening closer to the words become a song intimately written, capturing your heart.
You find the strength to rise and push past the pain.
To shake off the chains that tried to bind you away.
Lifting your eyes to the rising sun-You gather your courage once more taking the new steps forward. 
Facing the fears that stare directly at you, no longer afraid of the battle thats ahead.
Repeating the words that were said 

(hold on and see, its not time for goodbye)
( hold on, see that its not your time to die yet.)
(Its not the end of the rode)
(stay alive and see just how it’s suppose to end) 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Creep Alert

Now I know I was going to talk about racist cults but something has come to my attention that I feel all my readers need to know. This man that goes by the name burak kaan tried to get a close friend of mine to take nude photos of herself and even tried to get her to sleep with him. My friend happens to be 17 and it looks like this man maybe in his late 20s. If he tries to friend you or tries to talk to you block him and if he tries to do as he did with my friend screen save it and report him to google plus. Now my next article will be as planned about racist cults but I figured to put the warning out there to my readers.

Friday, March 6, 2015

racists cults Nazis

There has been a lot of racism flying around and these racist cults have been popping up through out history. So I think the next 4 will be about the most prominent ones that are growing like wild fire in today world. The first in this groups I want to go after is the Nazis or the National Socialist Workers Party as they called themselves.

Now first thing is first many people make the claim that this movement was a Christian far right movement. Which is untrue. They where Socialist and many in there ranks today call themselves as such. Specially the European movement and a few in in the United States. While there are a few who call libertarians (which I believe no real libertarian would think this way) that think Hitler was one of them.It is the same people who claim to be libertarian but hate the Jews blacks and anyone else who speaks out against them. And there are a few Christians that fallen into this racist cult of Nazism.

This cult has nothing to do with Christianity Even Hitler said himself

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practices a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance.”

Now if this was the case if Hitler was a Christian would he say these things? Would he hire people to work for him who worshiped the gods of Germany the gods of the Vikings? Would he try to kill off the Jews God chosen people? Like it or not Jews are tactically Christian fore fathers and anyone who follows Nazis and Hitler follows the old Germanic gods and Hitler as a god not Jesus. Follow the twisted cross like The German Christian movement and you will be lead around by the nose by Satan strait to hell and not Heaven. You worship Hitler not Christ and his cross. You follow a lie which lead 6 million Jews to there deaths and lead a country into ruin. And anyone who follows Nazism is on the path of death not life. Of man worship not God worship. 

"If [the leader] understands his function in any other way than as it is rooted in fact, if he does not continually tell his followers quite clearly of the limited nature of his lack and of their own responsibility, if he allows himself to surrender to the wishes of his followers, who would always make him their idol – then the image of the leader will pass over into the image of the misleader, and he will be acting in a criminal way not only towards those he leads, but also towards himself, the true leader must always be able to disillusion. It is just this that is his responsibility and his real object. He must lead his following away from the authority of his person to the recognition of the real authority of orders and offices….He must radically refuse to become the appeal, the idol, i.e. the ultimate authority of those whom he leads…The fearful danger of the present time … is that … we forget that man stands alone before the ultimate authority and that anyone who lays violent hands on man here is infringing eternal laws and taking upon himself superhuman authority which will eventually crush him; the eternal law that the individual stands alone before God takes fearful vengeance where it is attacked and distorted, thus the leader points to the office but Leader and office together point to that final authority itself, before which Reich or state are but penultimate authorities. Leaders or offices which set themselves up as gods mock God"  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Now why do people believe